Sunday, July 28, 2013

Idaho in the Spring

 Our 4-wheeler ride up a road in Sun Valley
 Mining holes. Ketchum was originally a mining town

 Cool mushrooms on a tree
 I was told these type rocks are what you look for when you want to mine gold...

 Spence just HAD to put the huge log on the fire...

Redfish Lake

 Walking out on the tree he just barely pushed down. It was awesome! What a splash!

 Stanley Lake

 You can see why they're called the Sawtooth Mountains

Spring break!

For spring break we originally planned to go to the Hole-In-The-Rock. It ended up being too cold and snowy, so the 50 miles on a dirt road wouldn't work very well, so we traveled on to Capitol Reef and ended up at Calf Creek.

 If you look close you can see some petroglyphs

 Hike to Hickman's Arch

Camped at Calf Creek and it snowed on us while we were setting up our tent. We hiked into the falls the next day (and wrecked my knee)

 Somewhere between Escalante and Bryce Canyon